They say he got his nickname from his being 'as fast as moonlight'. His statistics are 0 filled & don't leave much of a trace of his existence in the game. It was as if he were never even there, but here we are 100 years later with his career or lack thereof as the topic.
The 1 thing that Moonlight understood that left the rest baffled, was that he had a calling. His faithfulness to it left him regret-free & the perfect example for us to follow. Do we grasp the brass ring, or is our duty defined in a way that only we can see, touch, feel & understand.
He'll wipe every tear from their eyes.
I've heard this text used to proclaim that the tears in need of attention will be of remorse & regret over what was not done after the fact when nothing can be done. Whether this be correct or not it certainly gives more desperation to the question which rises again of the call, the true call & the vital importance of answering in the affirmative.
Although Moonlight's baseball career lasted less than 5 minutes in the bigs sans an ab, he impacted countless masses as a medical doctor with a 50-year practice. Lack of proper perspective would lead many to relent the tragedy of a career lost. Archibald instead relishes a calling fulfilled...
"Son, if I'd only got to be a doctor for five minutes, now that would have been a tragedy."