Wednesday, May 17, 2006

1 bad seed...

again i'm guilty of being found submerged in my collection of paste back issues...

i came across this article on nick cave & found myself once again drawing congruencies where i never would have ever even thought to look...

nick's being interviewed in regards to his career & the innerworkings of the creative process...

it's a terrible interview to say the least...

he's pretty much unable to piece together 2 substantial, coherent thoughts in regards to the mitigating & motivating factors that contributed to his last piece of work, when he digresses & attempts to lay the record straight...

'i don't really understand what i do. the thing i do understand is that i have to do it all the time...'

that's where i'm @ right now...

i get asked what it is that i do & for the redemptive thread that folks apparently have trouble seeing run thru all that i do...

to tell you the truth, i lose sight of purpose from time to time, but it's not long before i'm reminded of who i am, what i do & whose i am...

abiding for me means sometimes doing things that i don't completely understand, but i do know that i have to do it all the time...period. i pray that i never lose that above all else...




all the time...


Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

few have the satchel to follow where He leads...especially when there is no immedeate satisfaction for the soul.

yours is the soul that may not find rest in results, but the journey.

"life is a highway..."

12:46 PM  

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