Thursday, November 04, 2004

Scream with Your Mouth Shut


I can think of no other word that more accurately epitomizes the very ineptness of my attempts to relay the values of Relationship. I've missed the boat big time and believe me it wasn't always in good faith to do a little water walking. I definitely felt like a kid on Christmas ready to weld a new toy when armed with the latest program, acronym or list of cliché’s.

Looking back I have no idea how I could be so foolish or how the church could be so ill prepared to send us out. I've been a part of the problem for far too long. Hell, I've even taught the very things that I believe so many despise and countless others have been turned off by. The militants shrug and say that they've done their jobs. I shudder and wonder how many I've pushed away.

This walk is real and organic. It is not something that's cliche', able to be summed up by acronyms, and it's definitely not programmable. These things may be effective tools when internalized, but they fall flat as a means to an end.

Who starts to tell you about their significant other by breaking into a rehearsed verse of memorized lines? Evangelism should always equal experience. How else can we effectively articulate the Relationship?

Do you witness about One or of One through the very real way that He interacts in your life? If your answer is the previous, I beg of you...please stop. He's worth more than that and there isn't a program, cliche', pat answer or acronym that conveys it.

Shut up and start telling people how much you love Him...


Blogger New Life said...

Bro, I may steal that line, "Scream with your mouth shut!" Yes, tell them how much you love him by showing them how much you love them. Right?

Great post!


9:38 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner! Thanks for the words Rick. Funny that you'd steal anything from here...seems like I can't give it away most times...

12:39 AM  

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