Thursday, October 21, 2004

Drop the cliche'

Been reading a lot about communication lately. Funny thing is that most things that I've read and continue to read really seem to articulate feelings and thoughts that I've been dealing with for some time now. Some would call this God's dealing with me through this media and I'm not so sure that I could disagree.

Latest issue is authenticity and how we'll never be effective communicators without it. Sure, I know what ole' Abe said about fooling some of the people some of the time and all that, but what I'm talking about and longing for is true connection. To be able to drop all pretenses, be completely honest in a language that actually means something and go skin to skin with one another.

Much like the sin-less life, I'm not sure that this is totally attainable while here, but shouldn't it be our goal? Think about it. Could you go 1 day without cliche' or pat responses that don't even come close to breaking the surface? Is it possible to truly desire authenticity to the degree that we carefully examine every word that proceeds from between our teeth and are willing to speak another language that doesn't patronize or leave the recipient colder than they were?

I've seen the glazed over smiles and "warm" right hand of christian fellowship extended too many times to be able to stomach much more. It makes me sick, in very much the same way that my own meaningless dribble does. I'd almost prefer to be completely ignored or cussed out as to experience anymore of these parched and white-washed facades of fellowship.

Scrap the dung heap...

Drop the cliche'...

Be willing to do whatever it takes to rid yourselves of these dead men's bones...

Don't continue to seek the dead among the living...


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