Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Liar

I lay with Cam in the attempts to entice him to sleep as all good little 4 soon to be 5 year olds should take their naps. He holds the Daredevil in his tiny hands, opening his eyes to manipulate the figure from time to time when he thinks that I'm not looking or going to catch him. I again tell him to sleep and he quickly drops his hands as well as his lids to appease his father. This cat and mouse game continues for awhile until sleep ultimately consumes my little one.

I begin a conversation with the One and earnestly inquire Him as to how in the hell He could ever love a thing like me. I'm nothing short of a bald-faced liar, cheat, thief and certainly unworthy of the price that was paid for my restitution. As the tears begin to roll and collect at the end of my nose the answer hits me, and I mean it literally hit me. At that moment Cam decided to roll towards his old man and it just so happened that my moist nose nuzzles softly into the smooth workings of his baby soft skinned cheek. It's at this point where the words speak to my heart...

this is why...I redeemed you for this...for you to go skin to skin with me...

At this point Cam in between consciousness leans in and kisses my nose and tells me he loves me and reminds me of how he likes to snuggle with me.

this is why...I love you...I love to snuggle with you...

The rembrance of this almost brings me to tears as I write this now. I can't explain it. Nothing comes closer to a touch from the Father for me. He loves me...the liar, the cheat, the thief, the unworthy loved by the One.


Blogger Cam @ArcadiaTrails said...

Wow, this was an awesome read.

*although the first few words really shocked me for just a second....

7:54 PM  

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