Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Maybe 50's?

What's the likelihood of you feeding 5k+ men? How bout 50? Sound a little bit more plausible? Is it 100x more likely than the 5k+?

It may sound silly to apply math to a miracle, but what if Christ was trying to, and I'm sure that He was, show us how anything is possible with the Father's help...especially when it comes to discerning His will for our life, when we bite off pieces that we can chew instead of choking on the whole ribeye of His will. I know that I've struggled big time with this and knowing what He wants for me, but the trouble is that I've longed to see the book in it's entirety instead of patiently and consistently turning the pages that He's propped up for me to turn, one at a time.

Maybe we've taken on too much of our culture and try to juxtapose it on our Lord, especially when we want to bless Him with our service and we want to know where and when He needs our blessed service and we want to know it NOW!!! We're doing Him the favor with our obedience right?

Why else would Christ divide the crowd that day into 50's? He surely could feed the 5k+ by any means He saw fit if He really wanted to. I can't help but think that, like pretty much everything that He did or said, was purely for our benefit. The lesson to me is that there is no way I can even contemplate feeding the 5k+, but by taking them 50 at a time. I may not be 100x more likely to fathom this concept, but I'm sure that I'm somewhere close to that ballpark when considering the pieces that comprise the whole versus the whole of all the pieces.

Consider the 86,400 seconds that comprise every single day that we spend on the earth. I can't even begin to speculate what He could have in store for me come second # 2,345, 34,321 or even 85,399, but you know what...He knows and has known and will know without question. 86k+ is too big a number for me to contemplate, just as 5k+ was too big for the 12 to consider. Maybe 50's are the answer...the more I think on it, I'm sure that it is.

Please allow me Lord to focus on your will second by second, minute by minute, moment by moment...

there is no other way...

help me to remember this...


Blogger New Life said...

Preach it brother! That was great. I really like the 86,000 second thing. We must be related, I used the 86,000 second thing recently in a conversation or something??? That is too funny! Thanks for visiting me again. I will add you to my blogroll today.


9:15 AM  
Blogger Josh said...


Your words speak volumes as to my situation right now (especially juxtapose, that was fr-awesome). To me, there has to be some reason why all of us seem to be struggling with the same types of issues, although, I'm sure people have been fighting over them for centuries. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that we're all in this one together, for the long haul, second by second. Thanks for being in my life, man.

4:24 PM  

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