Monday, March 06, 2006

trapped insided my memory

i just love me some joseph arthur...

here's some lyrics from his song favorite girl...

And if salvation only comes when you fall
Oh lord
It's so hard for me to believe
Oh lord
I'm still waiting for you to call
Oh lord
Trapped inside my memory
Oh lord

i'm thinking now on the movie daredevil & how it's expressed thru dialogue that we can't allow our memories to kill us. it kinda sounded cliche' & cheesy @ the time, but i believe that there's a lot of truth in that. our present, or at least the perspective of it is all too often skewed by our past whether that be a good or a bad thing.

lately, i've been dealing w/some pretty heavy lifting, of which i'm not really sure that i'll ever be able to share out loud, but suffice it to say that i had some very wrong-headed ideologies that should have been jetisoned some time ago, but were still very deeply rooted in who i am as a person. this doesn't necessarily make me a piece of garbage, just a human being that was meant for something more that got bogged down in the travails of growth & development. this still didn't give me liberty to act in a way contrary to my calling, but simply served as a reminder as to just how broken we are & just how much we are in need of a savior to make us whole again.

life is hard...

we were never designed to make this trip on our own...

our memories may indeed enslave us to an unrealistic reality thru which we were never intended to view this amazing existence, but that doesn't relegate us to misery. there's a savior that waits in the wings of our time to save us. there are personal savior's w/in our own time here as well.

open up your eyes...

your release awaits...

today is the day...


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