Monday, February 07, 2005

Santa's Dead

Santa's dead & how do I tell my son
Santa's dead & how do I get him to feel sorry for the wrong that he's done

How am I to motivate him to do what's right
If he knows that Santa's dead and won't come during the night

If I don't have guilt to hinder the bad and the good motivate
How can I expect him not to turn into a total reprobate

If the nebulous sky fairy doesn't exist to bless the good and blast the bad
How will my little guy know when to feel good or when to feel sad

Could it be that I'm to teach of the Way
Tell him of the Savior that was crushed that day

How he bled and died
Just so He could come and dine inside

That he can't live by the rules
No matter how hard he tries

No! Don't do it the voices of wisdom say
He can't handle freedom or liberty and you'll just pave the way

The way to loose living, a kid gone wild
Give him meaningless standards, patronize the child

I just can't do it, I just can't see
How I can tell him of Him without the liberty

I'll just have to trust in the One who knows best
Allowing him to lead and to guide in spite of these pseudo tests

So that's my decision and it's finally straight in my head
I've got to tell them the truth...that Santa's really dead


Blogger New Life said...

Great post! Did you see the Emeral Nut commerical during the Superbowl? IF so, you'll appreciate the Santa and Easter Bunny. Maybe t is a good thing that Santa is dead, for now you son will live in a response to love and now rules and fear. Maybe the concept of Santa is a really bad idea. Be good and be rewarded. Be bad and you get no gifts-- Versus--Be who you are and all that you can be because God created you as one in his image and you are so loved that GOd became like you to demonstarte just how valuable in his eyes you are.


10:10 AM  
Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

thanks bro. although he has never been a consistant visitor at my house, I always liked his movies.
what is next? choir robes? organs? gold plated offering plates?

God, I hope so!

you are such a freak. I like that.

5:13 AM  

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