Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I read a poem not to long ago that I can't remember word for word now, but I'm going to try and share the jest of it with you...

Some choose to live their lives within the steeple's shadow
Or within earshot of the church's bell

I would rather run a rescue shop
And do it within a yard of hell

There is no doubt in my mind that this is where God has called me to set up shop. He's growing those around me to help in the venture and placing others in my life also. I can hardly wrap my mind around this whole thing, but I know that it feels amazing.

We are by no means equipped to do this work and this is probably the most terrifying aspect of it all. We lean on each other and ultimately on Him to prop us up and keep our heads above water at times. I can honestly say that I've never felt more alive, vibrant & free than I do right now. I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm loving/hating every minute of it.

We've created a quasi-community in cyber space, and the thing that blows my mind is that it works. I know that it shouldn't, but it does. I know that it's artificial, sad & lame, but I also know that it's never been more real and exciting.

I don't feel that I can go on without blowing a little sunshine up some dark places, so here goes...

To my folks back home in Natchitoches...you've always supported me, even when I was just an idiot frat boy who only wanted to make it to the next beer bust...you loved me...when I crashed my car & lied about it and you knew...you loved me...when I moved away and crushed my mom's heart and watched as fountains sprung from her eyes...you loved me...when I told you about this idiotic thing called deathway, you encouraged me and got others to do the same...unbelievable...

To my peeps here @ 4461...you've done nothing but been there and continue to...you're the biggest reason for everything that I do outside of JC...my words pale in comparison to the way my heart flips right now just thinking about you & how amazing you all are...I can't tell where ya'll start & I begin...we're a seamless garment...bound for & together for eternity & nothing will ever come between us...there simply are no words here...amazing...

To Josh...you've been there from the beginning...& still you remain...hard to imagine...you've grown by such leaps, that I don't even know if I could pick your old self out of a line-up...you continue to pick me up & push me on...I only think of how far I can go, so that you can stand on my shoulders to reach where I never dreamed...I weep at your potential, not being able to fathom the possibilities...

To Philip...another mainstay & originator...we share this road together/separately & none of this is possible without you...your creativity blows my mind and inspires my soul...

To Rick...I would think this to be the most improbable relationship...this simply does not happen in the real world...you force me to sin, because I covet your words & your heart...I know that I'll see you 1 day & can't wait for it to come...just the thought of your existence in the same world as me brings a smile to my face & warms my soul...

To Jeff...our similarities almost wants me to rethink my beliefs on reincarnation...I've only talked to you twice on the phone, but it feels as if I've known you for years...your honesty & authenticity is like a breath of fresh air...timing is the only thing that's kept our paths from crossing, but I can't help but think that we'll be teaming together soon...this scares the hell out of me & gets me psyched beyond belief...

To Jason...you've come along & taken us to a whole other level...I told your mom that you were the guy that we've been looking for & it's been dead on...my heart breaks for you when you're down & I honestly wish that I could take some of that from you, but I know that it's to serve some unfathomable purpose to come...still doesn't stop it from sucking...none of what we've experienced over the last several weeks happens without you...NONE OF IT!!!...I can't say that enough...

To the rest of our dw bloggers...I've learned from each of you and look forward to more...my only regret now is that we're getting to the point where I can't keep up with everybody all the time...may we continue to strive to fulfill the law of Christ by carrying each other along this Way...

I love all you guys more than you could possibly ever know.

Anybody up to visit our new shop?



Blogger New Life said...

(Smiling) Thanks bro. It is a little strange that you have become my friend out here in "blog world" but it is real. Thanks for being out there and for being real.


10:44 AM  
Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

stop it I am getting misty...

anyone feel that breeze?

just kidding bro. back at ya.

7:08 PM  
Blogger Josh said...


If not for your genuine desire, I would've never gotten back into church. If by some miracle I would've stayed, I'd probably just be a flake like the rest.

You challenge me, never letting me back off or give in. I can't even begin ton remember all of the times you and Amy stayed up listening to me whine and cry about nothing, always encouraging me to press on.

I'm never going away, even if you want me to. Love ya, man.

11:55 PM  

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