Sunday, November 21, 2004


The word rolls smooth as silk of the tongue, the down beat of the previous syllable giving way to the up beat of the next. The sound of it even gives flight to fanciful ideas of rotation, spinning and twirling in the breeze. The thud of the d hits ever so softly, yet gives clues as to the true meaning.

It means to not be blotted out or erased; ineffaceable; ingrained. what does ineffaceable mean?

ineffaceable - incapable of being rubbed out

and ingrained?

ingrained - firmly fixed

So, where is all this going? What's with all the Webster's plagiary? Well, I'll let you in on a secret. I just recently interviewed Demon Hunter for and am psyched about the experience. I've always got a rush from seeing the words along with the graphics get posted and sharing insight gained with everyone and anyone interested. This one is no different in that regard, and just like all the others I've learned something from the whole process and couldn't help but share it.

I picked up Summer of Darkness last week, while ironically enough, in Seattle of all places. It wasn't till I got home with it and got to peruse the lyrics somewhat did I realize what I had. I knew that I liked heartstrings & play dead going in, but I didn't know to what extent that the lyrics would grab hold of me and not let go.

This brings me to the point of this whole train wreck. Are you content with where you are at? Are you happy at where you've settled or does the meaninglessness of your life bring about thoughts of drugery and constant struggle? Do you find joy in that new car, toy or cd, only to find that it doesn't last near as long as the feelings you had after buying the last one and that that feeling is getting progressively shorter? Are you coming to a stage where you're beginning to wonder about the end and that looking back, you wonder if there'll be anything to see?

Intro: I Play Dead


Are you firmly fixed? After you lay down to take a little dirt nap, will the very essence that is your soul be rubbed out, never to be seen again? Will all your labor here below be but a faint memory that dies with your contemporaries? Are you like me and long to leave a legacy that points the way for others to follow.

First century believers had the guts to say "imitate me, as I imitate Christ." Where are our guts? If we truly imitate Him we'll have guts and He'll have glory. So, I say fight, rage, wage war against your own indifference and complacency. Terrorize yourself into some uncomfortable places for His sake.

I refuse to be another in the long list that history passes by, with nothing to show that they were ever here or ever changed the world in which they lived. I beg you to join me. Don't leave without a trace. Refuse to be erased. Leave an indelible mark of your existence. Be firmly fixed in Christ and Him alone.


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