Thursday, September 02, 2004

Love Unqualified

To see her displays of beauty is truly a sight to behold
Her embrace warms the frozen and works miracles untold
She comes when she wants to and does not discriminate
Her feet usher in redemption and eliminates hate

We are told that without her we have nothing and I believe that this is true
For she originates in the One in whom all our blessings are due
At times she is hidden and seemingly very far away
At others she is rapturous and gobbles up the day

Without her we gain nothing in the pursuits that we travail
Her absence leaves us cold, empty, lifeless....................stale
She never ends, as all else will pass away
She topples the mighty, strengthens the weak and gives courage to conquer the day

She is what He is and of this we can be sure
For what other could provide the Way that endures?
She is to be our pursuit and earnest desire
She comforts in the immediate and preserves from the fire

She if fully capable of standing on her on
She needs not our commentary to more accurately articulate or disrupt the tone
She needs not our help and of this we can be sure
For she is love and she will surely endure


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