Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Righteous Babes

Being a babe in the faith brings about mostly negative connotations when thought of within the usual context that is our tradition. I propose a new view. Aly (pronounced Ow-eee) is our youngest and has been a true blessing to our lives. She's just learned to crawl and is exploring her expanding horizons with increasing fervor and excitement. With eyes wide she ambles across the floor in search of whatever the next turn brings her. Today she discovered the fun of flailing away at the shower curtail while I tried to wash away the days dirt and grime that work brings. After I noticed my little explorer outside the curtain I thought that I'd enjoy the moment a bit. Standing on top of a ledge within the shower I was able to peer down over the curtain to where little Aly played. I began to drip drops of water down on her and nearly lost it as she squealed with excitement of this individual rainstorm. She swung her arms like a windmill in a hurricane at the dropping drips as she closed her eyes and held her mouth agape. She was having a ball. I so wanted to holler at Amy to watch the show, but didn't at risk of letting the cat out of the bag. She continued to play and just enjoy the moment as this went on for several minutes. Finally I decided to put an end to the fun due to the floor's increasing wetness and for fear that little Aly might slip and hurt her self.
As quickly as our little play session began, it was over. I finished my shower and Aly moved on to discover new treasures found in the closet when it hit me. Maybe our interaction with the Father occurs in much the same way. Maybe as babes we crawl and explore the unsearchable depths when we happen upon a place where He begins to drop drips down into our being. The thing to me is, how do we respond? Do we flail and play, closing our eyes, opening our mouth and allow for little unintelligible utterances to flow in the majesty that is our Lord, or do we rush to move on to the next thing in a hurried state to be busy for His sake? Do we know how to savor the moment, or more importantly the Savior? Do we allow ourselves to be totally immersed in the mystery of His very nature without worrying about what others would think, or our having to qualify the very purpose of our discovery?
Sure, I know that one day what we see in part will be totally revealed to us and what a marvelous day that will be, but until then, can we just marvel and enjoy the spectacle of wonder? Can we learn to embrace the unknown of Him as well as the miniscule known? His ways are definitely higher than ours and certainly for a purpose that is sometimes hard for us to understand.
Lord, help me to be your holy infant, with eyes wide, crawling through a faith of discovery and enormity that I could never comprehend, but embrace freely in spite of my ignorance. Grant me peace in where I'm at and acceptance of the dripping drops from above.


Blogger Josh said...

Lee, for a dumb 'ole redneck from Louisiana, you sure do think up some pretty deep stuff. It's articles like that that really makes me long for a family of my own, and makes me proud to call you friend... and best man, if you would like.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Cam @ArcadiaTrails said...

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10:12 PM  
Blogger Cam @ArcadiaTrails said...

I love this story!

4:28 PM  

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