Monday, August 23, 2004

My Son the Teacher

I know that we've all heard about having childlike faith, but I've noticed a few attributes to all the innocence that those words immediately bring to mind. Being a father of 3, all under the age of 5, I've got my hands full to say the least. Cam, my oldest, is usually the most demanding of my time and I wouldn't have it any other way. Just observing him from time to time can be an amazing experience as well as one that will try your patience to the nth. A couple days ago the thought of Christ longing to lay hands on some children and bless them was fresh in my mind as Cam and I were going through our regular routine that is my week off. The mornings usually consist of me trying to get a few things done that I've neglected in my past week of an 80 hour work schedule, while Cam's goal is to get the undivided attention of his father. He wants my eyes on him 100% of the time, if I'm not directly interacting with him, and he has become quite creative in the ways he attempts to make this happen. He can be smothering at times and can bombard you with a million questions and requests to spend time with him. For some strange reason he loves his father with everything that he has and just wants to be with him. The really good part of this is that his father really loves him too with everything that he has and ends up spending a great deal of time just being with him. I mean, that's it right? To have a childlike faith (which is a verb right?) we should long to engage the Father at all times and in all ways and for our desiring of His almighty gaze to be fixed on us in all that we do. Cam's taught me how special our relationship is, but even more, he's taught me how vitally important my relationship with my Father is.
One other thing about Cam is that he's a snuggler. I mean the little guy truly desires to snuggle on the couch, bed, floor, etc. etc. You name the place and when the time is right (usually when he's tired and ready to nap) Cam is ready to curl up right next to you. He's got such a desire for this that it's hard to keep him in his bed at night. It never fails, when you think that you've got him safely tucked away and you can rest in the comfort of your own king sized bed, you can rely on hearing the pitter patter of little Cam feet across the living room floor headed your way for a midnight snuggle session. He'll even tell you that he likes to snuggle. I love that about him so much, that I can never find the strength to make him return to his own bed.
Christ asks us to come to Him and He will give us rest. I've also learned from Cam of my own need to be a spiritual snuggler with the One who longs to give me rest. I should truly desire to not only have His eye upon me and everything that I do, engaging Him throughout my walk and building a vibrant, dynamic relationship, but I also need to come to Him when I let this old world break me down and wear me out. Instead of lashing out in my fatigue, I need to learn to snuggle with my Saviour.
Lord, help me to be more childlike and pleasing to You.


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