Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Spiritual Olympics

Oh the beauty, wonder, and specter that is the Olympics Games. Personally I could care less about the games this year, or really any year for that matter, but even less for these particular games. Why do you ask? It has a whole lot to do with the fact that we aren't even qualified in the sport that titters on the brink of Olympic death with every passing year due to it's international unpopularity. The sport that is a metaphor for life, that is the greatest of them all and is supposed to be our national pastime. The sport that requires the greatest amount of skill of all...to hit squarely a round ball with a round bat...and where success/greatness is measured by numbers that equate to 30-40%. Just imagine, if you could, a situation where you are considered legend when you fail 60-70% of the time. Now, that's what I call a tough gig.
With my apparent bias towards the game that is baseball, you might think that I think less of all other sports or the required skills to master them. That my appreciation for the other games is not fully garnered due to my blind eye towards the one that holds my interest and admiration. I'd like to think that you're wrong, but odds are you're right to a certain degree. I'll never fully comprehend the skill, talent and precision that is the 3m synchronized spring board, but I can still appreciate, to my own limited degree, dedication it takes to compete in said event and support the participants of my choosing, whether they be from the U. S., Slovakia or wherever. My lack of comprehension doesn't even hinder my words of encouragement to the athletes or my well-wishing on their behalf's.
In too many ways I think that the christian experience has it's own type of ministerial olympics. You see, it has been my experience that not everybody catches the vision of the participants and gets on board at times due to this lack of interest. I'm not interested in the 3m synchronized spring board for Christ so I'm opting out of this event and am content to wait for something else more appealing to me or whatever. I know nothing of the 200m butterfly so I won't even bother to encourage those involved or even acknowledge their efforts. I don't appreciate the talents or efforts of beach volleyball, so I'll just make believe that I'm busy with something else.
For far too long I've been convicted on all counts of inactivity, due to the above or even more ridiculous reasons. We all may not be able to dive, swim or whatever, but we all can acknowledge, encourage, appreciate and intercede. I hope that the body as a whole can forgive my absence and let me back into the arena.
Then again...when was that medal round for synchronized swimming?
Lord, please forgive my absence and silence as others have struggled to fulfill Your vision in their lives...


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