Saturday, August 14, 2004

Saturday Nite Special

Oh the dreaded Saturday night routine of the Sunday School teacher...some finally making time to study some semblance of a lesson, others studying it for the 7th time or still others possibly putting it off till morning. For me it's the time that I put a cap on the week's thoughts by dropping ink blots on clean paper. I've tried to just summarize on Sunday what me & Dad have talked, or more often than not, fought (i.e. wrestled) about the previous 7 days. One of the challenges unique to myself is that everything that we cover doesn't come from a particular set of literature. We've long since thrown that out along with all the false pretenses and making of nice-nice christiansese that edifies no one and patronizes at best.
This particular session of hashing out what to say tomorrow morn hasn't gone according to plan to say the least. I sat ready to pound out a lesson on our on-going talk of worship today when He said no. You just gotta hate that. What then? I've gotta have something for my peeps. Something new, hip and hopefully engaging especially on a spiritual level. Then it happened. I picked up the book that's been collecting dust on the corner of my desk for the past few weeks. I've longed to read it, but just had a few others to finish before I could dive in. Well, today's the's written by a guy named Spencer Burke, whom I've taken particular interest in lately. His story is an interesting one and one worth looking into. His book is Making Sense of Church and is a collection of rants/raves/commentaries from the website of his creating called If you haven't been there I'd recommend it. It's tagline is "conversations for the journey" and would be worth your time to drop by.
The weird thing about this all is that it appears that Spencer has been hiding out in the back part of my mind eavesdropping on all my synaptic activity of late and apparently it's time that we talk about these things Sunday mornings for the next few weeks.
We're going to be addressing somethings that we've been doing already for sometime now, just in a different context and maybe introducing some new verbiage. It is apparently time to walk the path of post-modernism and explore what that means to the church corporate and maybe more importantly to us a real-life christians...
Father, please help us to walk on...


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