Sunday, December 25, 2005

truly live

i remember leaving the theatre thinking that there had to be more to it than this. there had to be more than the empty moralizing and an attempt at story than what was given. beneath the amazing effects & sometimes over done imagery there had to be some redeeming qualities to this last great effort.

i just want something more than...

'it was beauty that killed the beast'

maybe you're like me & you have a sense to over-spiritualize things. maybe you try inanely to connect story to underlying themes that ring eternal & resonate w/in, but weren't intended to draw connection to by the creator. maybe that point is moot & what should be our intent regardless of what was originally meant.

i left thinking that both characters were in the role of savior during the story, but only at different times. or maybe it was that the gorilla's role was 1 that only appeared to be that, as the beauty, however helplessly that she appeared from the start, was there to save from the beginning. she came on the scene innocently enough as all the others had, but ended up bringing a sense of worth & recognition to a creature that 'saved' him in a sense.

sure, kong had a mate in the past & had been offered several other beauties previous to this 1, but not w/the same results. they had all since past & served a role that was only temporary, while this 1 was different...special. she connected to the beast & found something w/in, something worth connecting to & of worth, regardless if the outside world couldn't understand.

so as the beauty scaled the great height in a seemingly futile attempt to save the beast, i sat & wondered why bother. the big monkey is saved for only the moment as the planes circle & simply finish the job from behind. the beast still dies & are we any better for seeing it...?

'it was beauty that killed the beast'

then as i attend our gathering this morning & hear about the master of creation & how the meaning of this day is that he intentionally sought us out & chose to be limited by space & time so that he may become intimate w/us it hits me. beauty didn't kill the beast, it set it free. beauty came & gave the beast worth through intimacy, that for the 1st time in it's existence, gave the beast true life.

the beast would've eventually died outside of knowing the intimacy that is this beauty, but until meeting it, never truly lived nor had a reason to. that would've been the real tragedy. not dying a death that on the surface seems devoid of meaning or reason, but living a life devoid of those same attributes.

it wasn't beauty that killed the beast, it was men w/guns. fear of the unknown buried this beast. beauty only caused the beast to truly live...


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