Monday, August 22, 2005


I thought the day would bring relief & some sense of joy.
It brought on lamentation instead.
It was an unregretfull anguish that comes with letting go & the fear that rushes in when you just don't know.

I pray that those concerned would try & understand.
The burning desire ignited in me drives me & nothing else.
Immobility now would fill me w/compromise that benefits none.
I long to be faithful to only the One.

Into the unknown is where I'm headed.
Hopefully not seeking solace or comfort, but merely a yoke that fits.
My place is w/the plow.
The questions are just when/where & how.

Where would I be w/out your love?
Where would I be w/out your arms around me?
I shudder to consider it & know.
The time for me to move is's time for me to go.

Please pray for Amy & I as we seek a new church home...


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