Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I've always heard & thought that we were to be a people of discernment. That we were to develop a filter of rock solid belief through which we run everything. I've just come to realize that while that last sentence is definitely true, the 1st sentence is where we've really missed the point.

While we should be running our perceptions through the ringer that is our proper worldview, I find that we're caught aiming the gun of discernment at the wrong target. The target is fixed & therefore whatever metaphor we use for the act of discernment should be also.

You see, lately I've been thinking a lot about these fallacies of distinction when it comes to the things of this world & what we'd like to think of as not being of this world. A very false dichotomy exists between what many would call sacred and secular. I've heard it said that there is nothing secular save for sin & I'm just now getting to the point to where I know this in my heart to be true.

This brings me to the point of all of this. Our workings of discernment are not to be turned outward towards a world that we perceive as either sacred or secular, but rather inward at the very organ that should be cognizant in the realization for the basis of belief in the first place. It's the very thing that gives rise to & maintains physical life, but is also the fundamental element to our spiritual one as well.

"This is the brand-new covenant that I will make with Israel when the time comes. I will put my law within them--write it on their hearts!-and be their God. And they will be my people.

Jeremiah 31:33

I spent so much effort on trying to discern the sacredness or secularness of so many things in/of the world that it's left me nothing but confused. I've finally come to the understanding that I've been hoodwinked. All the arguments of abstinence or indulgence have lead me to false conclusions by journeying the wrong paths.

I've wrongly sought to count the measure of such things, when all along the answer was within. The very analytical approach of discernment was meant for my heart, that holds my true convictions from above as to whether or not I was to indulge or abstain. I've agonized, but in the wrong way & over the wrong thing(s).

I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed.

Ezekiel 36:26

I'm afraid that God-given discernment has been wasted over so many things that He never intended. Oh that we would focus so keenly on the inward matters as we have so wrongly on the outer. Let us right our aim.

Oh for the sake of Providential perscpicacity...


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