Friday, December 24, 2004


Well, the time is nigh. I sit and reflect in the living room of my parents and gaze at a tree dwarfed by the presents beneath it. My little ones will surely squeal with glee as they tear through their gifts in the nite time hours to come.

My mom has constantly hit me with questions as to what I want for x-mas this year, as every year, and I still find it hard to come up with something material that she could get for me. You see, this year has been like no other for me and I've already been gifted beyond what I could ever have imagined. The mere fact that I sit and type now, is testament to this glorious gift.

This gift continues to give and has nothing to do with how well or how poor you perceive the construction of this text. This gift is the gift of constant discovery and exploration of a side of me that lay dormant and ignorant for too long. It is a side that lays within you as well, and I would implore you to set it free.

The one gift that I long for this year is not found in any store or available on the net. It is for a continuous exponential growing of this insatiable appetite for Truth and how He would have me be. My very existence and identity is defined by Him and I pray that I be more like He would have me than ever.

I pray that my gift would be yours also. May you be gifted with the addiction that kills. Through your own murder you will be set free...from guilt, greed, pride, envy, worry, or whatever would enslave you from death.

May this addiction have your heart smolder within you. I would that you not sleep peacefully, endure worship, or bible study without the overwhelming desire to provide an outlet for this fire burning within. Pursue this outlet which is the outer manifestation of your faith with great zeal.

May the Lord grant you a peace that is made apparent in your passionate, persistent pursuit of His pleasure for your life. Rage to the death against your own physical indifference. Long for the insatiable infatuation of the Incarnate that annihilates inactivity.

This gift is immeasurable...


Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

it is not often that those who find the treasure desire to share it with those who have yet to become drunk with it's wonder. for this year, my prayer is that this message He has granted you, this madness that has taken you by storm and left you reeling from the punch that has been delivered, would find it's way from your words to the ears of those who would listen.

Be blessed by His hand Bro...enjoy that which our Father has given.

Here's to many days and nights ahead that produce a constant desire to search and thankfully...find.

3:02 PM  

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