Friday, November 26, 2004

Standing on Shoulders

You ever put much thought into how you got to where you are right now? I'm not here to argue the whole nature vs. nurture thing, but rather to explore the science of our faith. What? What do the words faith and science have to do with each other and better yet, what business do they have being in the same sentence?

For some reason, last nite as I bunked with my Cam, I began to think of my responsibility to him to help nurture a faith in him that is real and that won't leave him flat after he comes to an age where he can fully examine it for himself. Maybe these things are paramount in my mind now, due to spending the week with my folks and being able to discuss issues of faith and spirituality with them. I think of my faith of old and try to compare it to the present walk and I guess this is how these questions are given life.

Sometimes it feels as if this life I live is more for others than for myself. I mostly feel that self, myself in particular, is just along for the ride, when presented with the daunting task of imitating the One who speaks perfection. I'm not saying that this is right or wrong, just how I feel.

I think about one of Cam's favorite movies, Jurassic Park. There's a line in there spoken by Jeff Goldblum about standing on the shoulders of giants in the advancement of science, or something like that. In light of my present situation, I can think of no greater illustration to keep me focused...centered.

As parents, christians with a heart to disciple, or even merely civic minded humans shouldn't our goal be to be missional in the sense of providing shoulders upon which those to follow to stand to reach even greater heights? Who doesn't long for better days for those that follow them? Why should these better days be thought of in terms of the physical and be left devoid of anything spiritual?

My desire is to leave this terrestrial orb with confidence in the shoulders of spirituality I'm leaving behind. Cam may not be the next Mark Driscoll, but it's my prayer that he'd be better than I ever thought of being. I pray that I'd do nothing to weaken his cemented identity in Christ that allows for firm footing and propels his unbelievable growth in Him.

May this be the prayer for all of us and the legacy of faith that we're to leave behind.


Blogger Josh said...

Dude, from my own experience, you do a hell of a job at being a shoulder to stand on. You helped to turn my weak-ass faith into something genuine. Thanks for always being there for me, and in that, don't think you have to nurture Cam all by yourself. That should be the desire of anyone in his life, of which, I'm a a part of. Hopefully, the both of us can give him a little boost past what we are/will be to something even greater... maybe even greater than Driscoll.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pride is not a good attribute for a Christian but I can't help but be proud of you; your maturity in your faith, your desire to be the Christian father you need to be (and are as far as I am concerned), your ability to put your thoughts on paper for others to learn from as well as enjoy, your ability to show love for the souls of others and the desire to reach others with the gospel of Christ. Thank you for a great Thanksgiving week - JB

9:43 PM  

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