Monday, September 06, 2004


The book intrigues me. It beckons me to write, but I know not what. It tells tales of discovery through physical journey and deep observation. I long to hit the road and discover for myself. I long to stay at home and be embraced by the safety of it all. Inhibition can be a very powerfully overpowering thing. Maybe this is why alcohol is the opiate of choice for some. Maybe we're scared of what we'll find on the trek. Maybe we already know what's there.
So, we continue in like fashion. Onward to work, distancing ourselves from revelation. We attempt to dull the call through distance. No matter the faintness, it's still there. The vastness of time nor space can't dull it into oblivion. The heaping pile of junk in our life only obscures the view temporarily. We still catch glimpses from time to time no matter how quickly we turn our heads. We ponder the vision, if only for an instant, and must deal. Do we dare proceed or do we continue on in mundane repetition? Rejection through ignorance is always a cop out. We feel that in some way we're not responsible, even though we most certainly are.
In such a way, absolutes are but mirages and are not true destinations. They appear to appease the weak, instead of convict the self-serving strong. Perception seems to rule the day, and those with the fewest crutches appear the victors, but nothing could be further from truth. We're not complete idiots, some parts are missing. The fallen are not weak for knowing that they've fell, but strong for the admission. To this I say, bring on the crutch, aid my journey, crush my pride and assist my gait, rather than allowing for my broken hobbling through this Way.
Maybe the first real step is in the realization. Do we ever really walk without it? Maybe I've traveled miles in the past few moments without ever leaving this keyboard. Maybe, you've too. I wonder...


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