Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Oh the mystery of metaphor
The vastness of vagueness
The elegance of inexactness

The spirit soars in serenity that ambivalent ambiguity brings
We're allowed to bask in the unknown of uncertainty
Seeming contradiction brings untold comfort without constraint

I long for His life and only truly live in His death
He speaks in riddle and then makes it reality
His parables bring paradox that is purified by His passion

He tells of truth, then makes it manifest
He tells of hope, then passes the test
He is all that He says and so unlike we'll ever know

His wholeness is without complete comprehension
We see parts and long for the rest
Can we truly grasp the Holistic or do we just hope for the best?

His words edify the context that was and is His life
May mine do the same
Does my hoping shine holy longings or that I'm simply insane?

Grant me peace in my passion
Shine wholely on my appearance of ambiguity
May the context of my life testify to the unwholeness of my words alone


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