Friday, October 14, 2005


The staff here are working on short little statements that describe who we are & what we are about. Here's your chance to let us know what you think. Get your rocks ready, but please be sure that you've got all your windows boarded on your glass house first...


Everybody longs for connection, for recognition, for acknowledgment. To be heard and understood is at the very heart of our existence and validates our reason for being. Why is that?

We believe that this is because we were created with this in mind. In the image of something greater and more magnificent than we could ever imagine. In the likeness of One that is many and many that is One.

A Trilogy of Persons to be exact, that are in perfect communion with each other and co-authored the creation with us in mind. To invite us into relationship that is Love incarnate and to do so in unison with our fellow created. This is our reason for being.


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