Sunday, August 28, 2005


14On a good day, enjoy yourself;
On a bad day, examine your conscience.
God arranges for both kinds of days
So that we won't take anything for granted.


Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

i am so intrigued byt the diferent responces to the storms of life.

some ask for protection from the storm, others ask for saftey in the storm, still others ask for no storms. and still others look for the storm to wake them from their slumber.

me, i been in storms most of my life. will always be in one type or another.

I ask for grace to weather it for His glory. so the scars left can reveal a steadfastness not of my own.

my fear comes when I want to tear down my barns and build bigger ones.

consider indeed.

the coming exchange leaves me with much anticipation bro...

2:12 PM  
Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

for me it is not an issue of having or not wanting a storm. it is life. my problem comes when believers go through them and act like God is mad at them.

or those who are seemingly charmed from problems and use that as mature faith issue.

stuff happens. God causes it to happen. lest we forget tha flood. lest we forget He rules with authority and complete soveriengty.

people die cause God has a day for them to die. people are born to a station in life and succeed or fail becasue of His will. nothing happens unless it passes through His mighty hands.

we have americanized Him to a point to where He seems like a uncle who has favorites. news flash...America is not His favorite country. we are not on top of His list of greatest love. He is.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

ah, the debate of chance and determined actions.

each has a view of God that matches their own life, how they live and how they seek Him.

my concern is that we focus only on one aspect of who he is. He loves us with such a perfect love, but that love always, always gives way to the direction of His will and purpose. He loves us so that He will sacrifice one of us to further His kingdom.

nothing mean about this Phillip, cause we do not know each other, but...

The God i see in scripture leaves nothing to chance. He is involved in every aspect of His creation, "for the purpose of His good and pleasing will."

I don't get it sometimes, but I trust it all the time.

truth is, we all deserve what happened with Katrina. it is by His mercy we are spared such devestation.

I am not sure God uses these things to grow us, I am not saying that lessons can't be learned either, but I cannot say either that some sort judgement may be involved.

if it is true that God is the same always...He has been known to deal out retribution in the past. on His own people He had them enslaved by a pagan nation.

I am like Job. I stand with my hand on my mouth. I cannot council the Holy One of Israel. I bow at His gracious merciful throne.

however, He is not to be trifled with. when we forget He is god and begin to treat with disdane the things that are holy, He will remind us He is God.

His Name will be known amoung the Nations.

6:23 PM  

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