Friday, May 06, 2005

Christian Porn?

This simply has to be read to be believed...or not.

Interview estimated reading time: 4:23

Uncovering the Christian Porn Industry:
An Interview With a Christian Porn Star
by Scott Douglas

Editor's Note: the Christian porn star in question has asked to remain nameless, and thus, does.

Douglas: I'm confused at the term. To say you're a "Christian Porn Star"-isn't that a bit of an oxymoron?

Christian Porn star (CP): There are Christian rock stars, Christian actors, and Christian athletes. Why should being a Christian porn star be any different?

Douglas: Well the very nature of your profession is-well, not very Christian.

CP: (nodding) I've thought about that quite a bit in the past.

Douglas: And?

CP: Well, the films my production company makes aren't targeted towards Christians. They're targeted to men who have, by and large, not thought much of religion. I think their needs to be a Christian in the industry helping to promote the name of Christ.

Douglas: And how exactly do you go about doing this?

CP: Well the movies I do are what industry experts call "Art House Porno."

Douglas: Art house porno?

CP: (nodding) It's an experimental form of pornography. What we do in the films is really push the boundaries of what porno is. They're films that combine sex with morals.

Douglas: Sex and morals?

CP: Right.

Douglas: So are you trying to say that godless sex is wrong in your films?

CP: By all means, no.

Douglas: Then what are you trying to do?

CP: The films are moral tales of sorts. They have themes like 'don't steal' or 'don't do drugs' or 'don't lie.' Very moral things. But to get the men to come see the moral message, we throw in all kinds of sex-raunchier and more experimental then what you would see in most porn. Like we're doing one right now about the poet Jane West. It's about West and her desire to be a female poet at any cost.

Douglas: Was West a sex addict, then?

CP: In this movie she is. It's just your typical pornographic period piece.

Douglas: Interesting. But, back to the question at hand-you don't see any of this as disregarding one immoral act as a way of condemning another one?

CP: Not at all.

Douglas: And where does Christ come in?

CP: Christ?

Douglas: Christ. You are a Christian porn star, after all. Aren't you supposed to be promoting Christ?

CP: We live in a godless world. I believe people need to see that they are doing immoral acts before they are able to see why they need Jesus Christ.

Douglas: And what about you? What about the acts you perform in the movies? Isn't having sex with multiple partners, and sometimes men, a little immoral?

CP: It's done in the name of art.

Douglas: And this makes it right?

CP: If I got pleasure out of having sex with several women at the same time, then I would say it was wrong. But I don't. I merely do it to promote morals.

Douglas: But the audience doesn't know your acting. They see a man on screen whose having sex with several women. Aren't you afraid they'll walk away believing that this kind of thing in society is okay?

CP: They're just movies. If they can't see the difference between fiction and reality, then they have other problems.

Douglas: Like addiction to porn, low self-esteem, inability to commit they're love to one person?

CP: Exactly.

Douglas: And you don't feel like you contribute to they're feelings and addictions?

CP: Absolutely not. I'm just here to entertain.

Douglas: Fair enough. Then onto other questions. Why don't you want your name to be identified?

CP: If people knew I was a Christian and a porn star, then they wouldn't see my movies.

Douglas: Doesn't the gospel say you should not be ashamed to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ?

CP: I'm not ashamed.

Douglas: You just don't want people to know you're a Christian.

CP: Exactly. Maybe one I'll write a tell-all autobiography of my life, but not until I feel my calling is finished.

Douglas: Speaking of autobiographies, can you tell me your testimony-how you came to Christ.

CP: That's a really great story. We were filming a love scene in a church, and I overheard the pastor telling the director all about Jesus. The director blew him off, but I wanted to hear more. So after the love scene was over, I found the pastor and asked to hear more. He told me how Jesus died for my sins and that accepting him would let me have a personal, one on one, relationship with God.

Douglas: Did the minister tell you, after you accepted Christ, that you needed to stop living your current life and start living for Christ?

CP: He's the one who encouraged me to be a Christian porn star.

Douglas: What kind of minister was this?

CP: Methodist.

Douglas: I see. So how did your life change after you accepted Christ? Is this when you started doing the moral porno?

CP: My life didn't change. I was already doing moral porno. Ever since I entered the industry, I felt a very passionate need to change the system and put in moral films.

Douglas: So nothing changed?

CP: Well I was a Christian porn star after that. I had only been a porn star before.

Douglas: Then what would you say the difference is between a Christian porn star and a regular porn star?

CP: I'm asked that a lot, although I'm not sure why. It's pretty obvious. A Christian porn star believes in Christ. A regular porn star does not.

Douglas: But they're attitudes and lifestyles are the same?

CP: In many cases, yes.

Douglas: Then why would you tell someone they need to be a Christian if everything can be identical when you believe in nothing?

CP: On Earth, they're really is no point in being a Christian. It's in heaven where not being a Christian can be tricky.

Douglas: So one day you'll die and meet God. What do you think he'll say about your life?

CP: Well, seeing is how I haven't did anything to make me ungodly, I think he'll be well pleased.

Douglas: You have no concerns that he won't see you doing porno as ungodly.

CP: No I don't-not compared to what other people have did.

Douglas: And what about the rest of your life. Your life outside the industry. Do you go to church? Read the Bible? Pray?

CP: Some days I'm more spiritual then others, but yeah I try and do all of those things.

Douglas: Does anyone in your church know?

CP: No one. I think people would judge me if they knew.

Douglas: Even though you don't think your job is wrong?

CP: Look at you. You seem to have a bias towards me.


Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

the thing that freaks me out is this...

as twisted and justifiable (in his own eyes) as this guy is, we each use the same justification for not doing what we ought to be doing...sharing the Gospel, charity, genuine love, actual concern, and forgiveness.

on the other hand, my mind is filled with all kinds of imagery about the opening credits and story line. yes...I am a freak.

set this up with all the other Jesus heresy that is flooding our world today. all the while, we the Body, will use the double standard to judge with out looking at our own willingness to play the harlot.

we may as wel be standing on street corners and selling our wares to the highest bidder. idolatry, financial sucess, status, and racism are just a few of the things we sell ourselves and our integrity for.

more than passing judgement on this guy, I am sad at the times I have done the same things...for almost the same reasons.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Job 9:20 If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: [if I say], I [am] perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.

Luk 16:15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

2:45 PM  
Blogger jimmy said...

lee, tell me you made that up.

anonymous, huh?

4:26 PM  
Blogger Roman said...

this has got to be a joke, right? there is no way this is there?

11:24 PM  
Blogger lee said...

don't get me wrong...

i wish this thing not to be true...

to the very essence of my being, but...

i believe that the point is that we have within ourselves the very unlimited & very uncanny ability to rationalize anything...& i mean anything, to fit with our agenda & lifestyle if left unchecked by the very 1 who gives us the ability...

this very fact both sobers & scares me greatly...

like g.i. joe used to say...

'knowing is 1/2 the battle'...

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray that everyone would join me in the following prayer.
Father God, please open the blind eyes of those involved in the making of the porn industry, as well as those who are being consumed by their sexual idolatry. Open the eyes, ears, and hearts of the ministers, pastors, leaders, prayer warriors, and counsellors of the church who are either ignoring the rampant problem of duality among Christians, or are furthering the problem with bad advice.
We pray for a revival of unadulterated, unaltered, unwaivering truth, as well as compassion and help for those ensnared in a life of sexual sin. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

3:13 AM  
Blogger Liz said...


And yes, Jeff.

Lee, please could you post the link where you go the transcript from? I'd love to put a link on my blog, if I may. I still can't quite believe it's real... or perhaps I DON'T want to - as then it quite harshly forces me to search out the areas of my life in which I'm doing exactly the same thing.

In God's eyes, neither is worse....

11:11 AM  
Blogger Benji said...

Holy WOW Skippy!

So...where can you buy this stuff, are Maranatha stores carrying it yet?

Seriously though, wow.
That's all, just "Wow".

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is freaky. not because he is a "christain" porn star but that i see this in alot of christains. they justify their actions to make the smallest things ok. this is just an example of how far it CAN go.

6:36 PM  

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