Thursday, April 28, 2005

Piece of Polyester

I asked my class a couple of Sunday mornings ago if it were possible to have sin w/out conviction. Still I wonder. In fact, I may be further away from an answer than when I first began to question.

I've always loved Eric Davis. He was my hero growing up & could do no wrong in my eyes. My obsession w/ED bordered idol worship. I know...sad.

I got the catalogue last week sometime. My disenfranchisement w/mlb still intact as I confidently turned that pages. Then it happened.

As I scanned the last portion of the mag, my golden calf arose straight from page #10. My eye began to twitch, my hands started to tremble & I got an awful ache in my stomach.

Check it out:

It may not look like much to you, but it embodies my childhood fantasies. My idol. My hero. All for $274.99.

I was already to reach for the mastercard when I thought of some of the charities we'd been working with lately. Charities that represented people that don't even have a pot to piss in or even a window to throw it out of.

The article I read in Risen magazine by Mark Hoppus also came to mind. How he'd recently visited Tibet w/Cameron Diaz for MTV & how people there waste nothing, 'cause that's exactly what they have. Nothing. To use a plastic cup over & over again until it's completely spent, while we think nothing of it.

So here I am regretful to even admit that I long for a piece of polyester that's price could sponsor a family in Ghana through World Vision for 7 months or a boy in Brazil through Compassion for 10 months. I would have never thought of this or like this a year ago. How can this be anything but sinful?

I'm scared to death that I'll get to the end of my run & like Oskar Schindler wonder how many more could I have helped by the price brought by a ring, a car or even more disgraceful, a piece of polyester...

forgive me...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how hard it was for you to resist THAT temptation. I'm proud of you.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

THANKS FOR THE REMINDER. lately, my mind has hovered over this issue. new job, more money, the American dream.

the heaviness of wanting more than I need makes me buckle at the knees.

I am thankful for knowing the fruitlessness of chasing the ever so ellusive Jones's.

I am also thankful I had time today to read from your heart. the last 2 weeks have been madness. you are a anchor to my weariness.

rock on bro.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Panmillennial said...


It is amazing how God works. I have been struggling with this issue for months. Thanks for the encouragement. Speaking also as a "Jones", I am ashamed at the "stuff" I have wasted money on for my own pleasure, when there are people I care about in the ministry that need financial help.

God Help Us All!


9:05 AM  

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