Monday, May 02, 2005

The Filter & the Veil

Don't know if you caught this last Monday nite, but the topic was What Happens After We Die? on Larry King LIVE & there was some great dialogue. Although I don't agree with everything that she had to say, Mary Ann Williamson had some interesting takes on what we sense as reality...

MARY ANN WILLIAMSON, AUTHOR/LECTURER ON SPIRITUALITY: I agree with what Father Manning said, that all of the love that we've longed for all of our lives, we find it. We're there. I think that only love is real. And we can see it once we've died. I think that this earth is like a veil of illusion. The mortal mind obfuscates the spiritual truth, which is the love of God. And I think that when we die, the veil falls down, the filter is gone, and we're in that state of pure love which is God.

...all concepts like where do we go, space and time don't exist in God's eternity. So it's a state of awareness and knowledge and experience of pure love, which is God, which is the true life.

I guess the key to success, true success in this life, is to recognize what we sense as reality for what it truly is. Our reality appears to be something like a veil. The things that we place importance on, really don't amount to much in the ways that we think, but could when thought of transformationally. The dollars we make inherit the morality with which we choose to use them, as well as the stuff that they go on to purchase.

Our very bodies aren't even our own to do with as we please, but rather should be seen as just another modality with which to engage this downward spiraling reality...or not. What if our every action, thought or premise were scrutinized to the degree of either furthering or hindering the Kingdom? How could it not change or at least challenge the very fabric with which our existence is woven?

I live in the deep fried south where I don't always understand what's up or down. You've just got to love the hypocrisy. Where you can leave a hell fire & brimstone service that damns everything from tobacco to beer, then head to your nearest AYCE slop house of choice & literally eat yourself to death. Funny thing is, that the death may not be your's only, but be shared with the ill-treated "sinner" who happens to see you put away your child's body weight in ribs, all the while mindful not to get any sauce on your new suit. What great stewards we are! Praise God!

I'm afraid that some, myself included, have missed the boat by so much, that when we realize the impact of our fall, we wouldn't even hit water. Oh for the need of mental, mortal lobotomies & dying gasps for true spritual gestation. If we could but just close our eyes & truly see beyond the filter & the veil to His reality...


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