Wednesday, May 04, 2005

KOTH: Keeping of With Our Joneses

All Jesus did that day was tell stories--a long storytelling afternoon.

Episode #10 (Rank #40) 4/27/1997

When Hank catches Bobby smoking, he punishes him by making him smoke a whole carton of cigarettes. The plan backfires when not only does Bobby get addicted to cigarettes, but Hank and Peggy get re-addicted. Luanne tries to help them quit.


Hank (reading cigarette box to Bobby): "Lung cancer, heart disease, emphesyma..." Bobby: "I thought those were the ingredients."

Cigarenders Leader: I think your problem is that you're a little weak right now... Hank: Weak?! Look at you with those birdy arms! They're no bigger than a cigarette, I could smoke them arms!


At 1st I thought the title a type-o. Then it dawned on me...I know, I know...I'm an idiot.

jones n. Slang. 1. An addiction to heroin.

Hank, Peggy & Bobby aren't that destitute, but they do struggle with addiction in this 1. Hank's approach to Bobby's experimentation w/cigarettes proves asinine & only serves to get the whole family hooked. Once again, his best intentions do him in.

There's a way that looks harmless enough;
look again--it leads straight to hell.

This could be extrapolated to a lot of the church's efforts overall to do things for people's own good...all the while we drive them further & further away from Christ. The examples are too real, too sad & depressing to list, but I'm sure that if you think about it, you could name many. I know that my own life mirrors a lot of terrible results made manifest by my own good intentions.

Relish life with the spouse you love Each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God's gift. It's all you get in exchange For the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one!

The beauty of this episode comes at the end when the Hill's emerge from their makeshift ark of a home to witness a new day dawning over a devasted Arlen & see it for what it truly is...beautiful & most worthy to rejoice in. No longer chained to addiction Hank & crew raise seeking simplicity in a game of catch & appear to revel in their new found redemption. What a great story...


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