Friday, April 29, 2005

What Say You?

I've got that feeling again. Time to move. Time to push again. Time to step out.

We had our 1st staff meeting of sorts. Myself, Jason, Watson, Branum & Barrett. I have to digress to last names on the last 3, 'cause they're all Josh's...I know...weird.

I tried to see where all of this is going. Nobody seems to know. We just know that we're called.

I've seen the impact & felt it 1st hand. I'm pretty sure that the genie ain't going back in the bottle. I'm cool with that.

We've decided to move forward with some of what we've already started. Without definition as to what we are, but definitely with vision. A vision to reach out. Through movie, cd & possibly game reviews. Through independent blogs and communal discussion. Through interviews & local events. Through whatever it takes to constantly gauge an honest existence that illuminates authentic relationship with our Creator, in whatever form that assumes.

This brings me to the question with which I need & would love input.

I believe that the next step for us is to incorporate DW into a not for profit business. To accept funds from those interested in kingdom work & to dream a little bigger, al beit, completely out of the box. To fund local shows with national acts & to follow where He leads.

My question is, does anyone else see DW as a legitiment ministry or am I just delusional? Are we in proper standing to receive the 1st fruits of an offering to use as God leads us or is this how Benny Hinn started out? Is He calling us to this new land or am I seeking my own kingdom?

I know what I like to think. Either proposition scares me somewhat. However, knowing what to do & not doing it scares me more.

What say you?


Blogger New Life said...

Brother, the dream and ministry has started. The relaity that you are asking if it is GOd is a good indication that it is NOT you. You want what God wants. It is so obvious that all you are attempting to do is bring others into the reality of the Kingdom. Stay close to God and allow God to take you where God is leading. As wise spiritual director once told me that discernment is only for the next step. Keep walking...

12:55 AM  
Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

resaonable men dare not speak of such things. such things as walless ministry and unusual ways to get out the word.

our God has never been reasonable. nor is English His first language.

because you have seen His heart, you too have become un reasonable.

I got your back...and I am on my knees for you.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You definitely have a heart for God's work. Follow your heart and your mind won't get in the way. It is only when you begin to think rationally that the world begins to take over. You have all my support, love and prayers for going where God leads.

9:35 PM  

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