Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Wee Ones

As the door opened between the two universes and immediately closed behind Him, the murmuring began. "He certainly loves the wee ones doesn't He?" said one. "Why yes!" said another and went on to elaborate on the matter. "He even displayed this soft spot for them down there, and used them often in parables to teach the older ones how to come to Him. No one knows what He does once He closes the door behind Him, but most think that He reveals Himself in full to them, only for them to forget it as they grow after they are sent down. Some think it to be a waste of His time, but others see the grand scope of it all, and how many return to Him by faith in the long run."

"Once they get down there, they often act as little messengers. I always thought that we were better used in that role, but when the older ones will allow them to speak in their seeming unintelligible babblings and act out with the flailing of their tiny limbs, they can speak volumes. Even through their deaths and sufferings they are able to raise such a depth of questioning and emotion that is unparalleled by anything that we could do. It's quite amazing really."

"Let me show you. Let's descend for a time and I'll show you what I mean. See this blue truck that travels now to and fro running errands with 3 in the back? Let's just sit in and listen to see what happens, and you'll see what I mean."

"Daddy?" said Cam.

"Yes son?" I reply as one who has replied to this
request only 1.2 million or so times today, and it's not even noon.

"I miss Nana. I miss Paw." Cam exclaims.

I reply with an I know and we'll see them in a couple
of weeks, cutting him off in the process.

Cam continues "...and I miss Jesus."

I sit silent for a bit not really knowing how to
respond. "I didn't know that you've met Him Cam."

"Yep." he responds as frankly as you may met your
neighbor or mailman or whatever..."and I can't wait to go see Him

Now I know what to say and say it. "Yeah Cam, I
know. That'd be pretty cool, actually."

I can't help but wonder if He's actually met Him before
He came to us. You know, face to face and is here to relay an example of
how we're to relate to Him now as the older ones. I can't help but
wonder if Cam met Him behind the door that leads to the Mall of Unborn
Destinies and is declaring His majesty as splendidly as any herald and
shows as a mighty example as 2 hover above our traveling blue

"Let us make our leave. I think that he knows."

"It's of no matter. You've proved your point. I don't think that even if he saw us right now, it could compare to the illuminesence that this little herald is providing ever since He put him there."

"Good reason to love the wee ones, hunh?"


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